Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mythology and Research........

Most of my research starts with a myth or legend that I read about from one of the many magic, myth and legend books that I have. It's so much fun reading through the myths and finding a wonderful story hidden beneath almost every page. Last night, I got down to business and just poured over them. I came up with at least five good starts to plots. But I always have trouble with the antagonizer and what the "ultimate struggle" will be, especially if it's something I want to turn into a multiple book query.

I'll give a hint of the one plot I'm seriously considering pursuing for my first query to the "big time"..... TYR. I hate to leave you hanging like that, but I haven't worked everything out yet!! I will share a short blurb once I get the plot fixed up and bandaged together. Tyr is a god from Norse mythology and I can't wait to use him for all he's worth, lol!

So, what do you do when you're stuck in a plot rut?


Sherry said...

I love how "serious" you are about this -- that you are doing research and coming up with plot ideas...you are certainly providing me with motivation Missy. I have yet to sit down and write anything of any length. I keep doing prompts and writing just a paragraph or a very short essay. Your first idea is sounding very intriguing indeed!!

Leann Sweeney said...

When I'm plotting, I don't do a lot of thinking about structure or characterization or anything technical. I just let go and usually end up with a about a twenty page narrative. I figure I can always go back and fiddle later--and usually do. I prefer this freestyling with a narrative synopsis rather than with the actual novel. I know lots of people write a book without an outline or synopsis but I sure can't and it sounds like you can't either.

You have a wonderful site here! So attractive.

Leann Sweeney