Monday, March 31, 2008

Sample Cover

This is a sample cover I designed for fun. I might add it to my portfolio.....

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Hi Missy (or do you go by Sue?),

I saw your post over at the Knight Agency blog and checked out your main page. LOVE the sample cover. Gorgeous design (incidentally, so if your banner).

I noticed in the comment you left at TKA blog that you said you'd stopped writing a year ago due to the negativity. I hope that's still not the case. Even if I got so fed up with RWA and some of the members, I would never stop writing (though I might go on hiatus for a while) because I just truly enjoying creating new worlds and doing what I do. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with some people you thought were your friends.

So I just stopped by to give you some virtual encouragement to keep writing if it still interests you and not let the behavior of anyone else keep you from a field you seemed to enjoy.

Warm regards,
Michelle Lauren (Fiction that Defies Boundaries)